Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I read a book called Zombies and Tommy Donbavand wrote the book. It was about a boy and his little sister. They where at the graveyard visiting their dead grandpa´s grave, when they suddenly heard a noise. Thats how they met Jake, a zombie who´s been dead for 60 years. All the zombies were going to have a party and they send Jake to fix some snacks and drinks.
So the children helped Jake with the snacks and the drinks.

I read the book out loud to my brother Anders and we think that it was good. Anders thinks that the best thing in the book is that the zombies likes lemonade and gives the book 4/5 goldstars. I think that the best thing about the book is that it is a happy suprise in the end and I also give the book 4/5 goldstars.

I would recommend this book for people who likes books that´s a bit scarry and funny but has a happy end.


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